Marlborough Primary School
• Our reading curriculum is underpinned by the belief that reading is a fundamental skill, used to stimulate
children's imaginations and to develop a love for books.
• In EYFS children follow the Read Write Inc programme whereby they learn the 44 phonic sounds and learn to
decode to read words, building on fluency and speed. In KS1 children continue to follow the Read Write Inc
programme building on their fluency in reading. Once children have completed the Read Write Inc programme,
they are taught how to develop meaning and comprehension of texts following KS1 reading domains and
following the whole class reading model.
• The whole class reading model begins in Year 2 and continues in KS2. Central to this model is the familiarisation
of the children with reading strategies through reading and thinking aloud and modelled and independent text
analyses. The aim is to fully engage children with a text and to support comprehension. Alongside text analysis,
children are explicitly taught reading skills using the ERIC acronym for Explain, Retrieve, Interpret, and Choice.
• Children in all classes have access to story time and have a class book for a sustained period: this ensures that
reading is correctly modelled to children as well as giving them the opportunity to enjoy being read to.
• We carefully monitor the children’s reading at home and encourage parents to be fully active and engaged with
us in this in order to support their child’s ongoing development. We ensure that every child is heard to read every
week, including the lowest 20% of readers. If children are working below their chronological reading
age, targeted intervention and support is put in place.
• At MPS, we encourage pupils to develop a love of reading by having a well-stocked library and book selections
available in each classroom. We actively promote the local libraries and organise events such as Roald Dahl Day,
World Book Day and National Story Telling Week.